
As I built custom lock screens for my iPhone in middle school, I came across the works of Luke Wroblewski online—Product Director at Google. His thoughts and reports on mobile and web usability, interaction, and visual design drastically shaped how I think about mobile and web design.

Wroblewski’s reports carefully laid out various usability tests of products at Google and how they learned that what they had thought was good design interface, was not. He covered new pitfalls of mobile and web design, as at the time the landscape was drastically changing.

On Tuesday, November 27, 2018 I saw the Columbus Premiere Screening of “Rams” hosted by director Gary Hustwit, presented by the Wexner Center for the Arts. Rams is a documentary portrait of Dieter Rams, one of the most influential designers alive, and a rumination on consumerism, sustainability, and the future of design.

Rams showed me how—amidst an impenetrable confusion of forms, colors, and noises—good design can persist.

  1. Good design is innovative
  2. Good design makes a product useful
  3. Good design is aesthetic
  4. Good design makes a product understandable
  5. Good design is unobtrusive
  6. Good design is honest
  7. Good design is long lasting
  8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail
  9. Good design is environmentally friendly
  10. Good design is as little design as possible

Design Projects